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The Facts Behind Jin BTS Who is Ready to Become an Uncle: First Nephew - Choosing 'Butter' as the Nickname

The Facts Behind Jin BTS Who is Ready to Become an Uncle: First Nephew - Choosing 'Butter' as the Nickname credit via Big Hit Music - Good news is surrounding the big family of Jin BTS. Because, his biological brother, Kim Seok Jung, has announced on his instagram account @kimseokjung90, that his wife is currently pregnant.

This indirectly also makes Jin BTS an uncle in the near future. Interestingly, his brother also mentioned that Jin BTS is actually ready to become an uncle.

He even gave a special nickname to his first nephew. Here are some interesting facts.

1. Jin BTS's First Nephew

Kim Seok Jung has married a woman named Kim Ah Reum. The result of this marriage is a soon-to-be baby who is the first child of Seok Jung and Ah Reum, and also the first nephew of Jin BTS.

This good news was announced on Seok Jung's Instagram account, which is followed by more than 700 thousand followers, in the form of a post of an ultrasound photo accompanied by a caption in Korean, which, when translated into Indonesian, means "Hello? We are looking forward to your arrival, dear."

The announcement that was made to the public surprised many people. Various parties, including BTS fans, also congratulated Jin BTS's brother.

2. Commented by His Wife

Seok Jung's uploaded post was also commented by his wife. Through her Instagram account @kahreumi, Ah Reum initially commented with a pancake emoji with butter on top.

She then wrote another comment in Korean, which when translated into Indonesian means, "Butter-yah, may you grow up healthy, dear."

3. The Name 'Butter' Given by Jin BTS

Not only that, Ah Reum's comment about 'Butter' as a term of endearment for their child, apparently caught the attention of netizens. A colleague of Seok Jung also commented in Korean, which when translated into Indonesian means, "If I may guess, it might be related to 'Butter' hahaha."

Who would have thought, Seok Jung confirmed this directly by responding to the comment. "Haha, you're right, that name is indeed given by my brother," Seok Jung wrote. 

For information, Butter has become a quite familiar and popular word, after BTS released a song with that word. Although as a joke, Jin BTS is considered quite brilliant by netizens for coming up with that idea, while promoting their new song.

4. Writing Kim Butter's Name as Profile Description

In order to convince the public, Seok Jung updated his profile by adding the description 'Kim Seok Jung, Kim Ah Reum, and Kim Butter'.

In Korea, giving nicknames to newborns is a common practice. Usually, names like 'peanut', 'puppy', and many others are often used.

Only after the baby is born, the nickname will be replaced with a more official name. Netizens think that if the nickname is given to the younger sibling, it is possible that when giving an official name to their nephew, the older brother will ask for BTS's Jin's consideration.

5. Successful and Prosperous Family

Seok Jung was born from a family of two siblings, where Seok Jin is his younger brother and only sibling. Seok Jung is widely known because he opened the Ossu Seiromushi restaurant business in Seoul since 2018 with Seok Jin.

The restaurant serves traditional Japanese cuisine cooked using steam techniques, in a wooden box called seiro-mushi. It is known that BTS's Jin is the director of the restaurant, while the older brother acts as the owner of the restaurant.

Well, hopefully with this happy news, Kim Butter can grow up healthy and be born safely, as well as handsome like his father and uncles.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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