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Several Times Making History, Here are a Series of Facts about BTS' 'Butter' Song that Succeeds in the Korean Music World

Several Times Making History, Here are a Series of Facts about BTS' 'Butter' Song that Succeeds in the Korean Music World BTS all personnel (Credit: Twitter/bts_bighit) - It seems that 2021 is still a year of glory for the famous boy group from South Korea, BTS. They continue to innovate and create songs that increase their popularity. Not only that, some of their works have set records and won several awards.

This boy group, under the management of Big Hit Entertainment, consists of seven handsome members with strong charisma. They made their debut in 2013 and are still active until now. This year, they released several songs that caused a sensation in the entertainment world of South Korea and even the world. One of them is the song Butter. 

The song Butter has been quite successful and has received a lot of praise and awards. This is quite remarkable considering that the song was just released this year. Here are some interesting facts that you need to know about the song Butter, KLovers.


1. Selected as the Song Played During EURO 2020

BTS released the song Butter in May 2021. Despite being relatively new, it has been successfully chosen as the song to be played at the prestigious soccer event, EURO 2020. This happened less than two months after the release of the song Butter by BTS.

But it doesn't stop there, this song has won the voting for the song to be played during the final stages of this event. The song Butter has surpassed the song Bad Guy by Billie Eilish and also the song Yeah by Usher. Not only that, this BTS song has taken the first position in the selection, followed by a song from soloist Louis Tomlinson titled Kill My Mind. This is a pride for them, considering that this relatively new song has successfully competed internationally. Unfortunately, although it was supposed to be played during the implementation of EURO 2021, this song was canceled to be played during the final of this event.


2. Success in Breaking 5 World Records in a Week

After its release, the song Butter has already set several records recorded in the Guinness World Records. In fact, some of these records were achieved by BTS in less than two days after the release of their song. In addition, these records were also achieved on two major and well-known music platforms in the world, namely Youtube and Spotify. 

These records include the music video and K-Pop music video with the most viewers in the first 24 hours on Youtube, the music video with the most viewers for a premiere on Youtube, the most played song in the first 24 hours on Spotify, and the musician with the most played song on Spotify. The song Butter even surpassed the song I Don't Care which is a collaboration between Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber in the category of most played song in the first 24 hours on Spotify. This achievement is truly remarkable for BTS.


3. Not Only on Youtube, This Butter Song Also Makes History on Billboard

Besides on Youtube, the achievement of Butter BTS song is also seen on Billboard. This song becomes a song that enters the list of the most popular songs on Billboard Hot 100 for thirteen consecutive weeks. This record was broken after being held for 23 years by the song I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing owned by the old band Aerosmith.

Not only just entering the list, this song becomes the top rank. This automatically makes BTS the first Asian musician to debut at the top of Billboard Hot 100 and stay for thirteen weeks. This is certainly something to be proud of by the ARMY (the name for this boy group's fandom).


4. This Song Was Written By Several Famous Songwriters in America

Another interesting fact about the songwriters of BTS is that it was also written by RM BTS and several famous American songwriters. They are Sebastian Garcia, Alex Bilowitz, Rob Grimaldi, Stephen Kirk, and Jenna Andrews. It's no wonder that this song uses English in its lyrics. 

It's no wonder that their second English song after Dynamite has become quite catchy to the ears of their listeners. One of their members, Jimin BTS, revealed that this song was intentionally created as a light-hearted song without heavy meanings. This is aimed to make the song easy to listen to and definitely more easy listening.


5. This Song Receives Silver Certification in the UK

In addition to the various achievements mentioned earlier, this song also received high appreciation from England. The song received a silver certification from England. This is not the first time BTS has achieved this. Some of their songs have also received similar recognition due to their success.

According to the news portal Soompi, this certification was obtained by BTS on August 27, 2021. This silver-certified single was achieved by selling more than 200,000 units, and the silver-certified album reached sales of 60,000 units.

Those were some interesting facts about the song Butter that successfully caught the attention of music enthusiasts worldwide. Hopefully, BTS will release more interesting works, KLovers!

Written by: Muhammad Ancah




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