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Thousands of Army Jakarta Join Free Vaccination Program, Excited to Take Photos at the Stay Gold Installation

Thousands of Army Jakarta Join Free Vaccination Program, Excited to Take Photos at the Stay Gold Installation Army BTS © Akrom Sukarya - Senyum Army is a fanbase of the famous boyband BTS in Indonesia. Today, Saturday (31/7/2021), they are participating in the efforts of the Jakarta provincial government to accelerate the vaccination program together with GoTix and the Jakarta Metropolitan Police.

The involvement of Senyum Army is by inviting ten thousand Army members aged 12 and above to receive free Sinovac vaccines at JCC Senayan. Not only that, after receiving the vaccine, the Army members can also take photos at an installation called Stay Gold.

This installation is specially designed to resemble one of the sets in BTS's music video titled Stay Gold. Some Army members at the location are very enthusiastic about taking photos at the installation because they feel like they are in the music video.

The team had the opportunity to interview one of the Army members who took photos at the Stay Gold installation. A woman named Naha admitted that she came all the way from Bekasi to Jakarta because she couldn't get a vaccine appointment. When registering online, she was anxious because the link was not working.


1. Grateful to be in the BTS Fandom

"When I was in Bekasi, I couldn't get a vaccine appointment. Then I found out on social media that there was a free vaccine for Army, so I registered quickly. There was a little error, but after three tries, I got it," said Naha, who was wearing a shirt with BTS members' images.

Naha expressed her happiness because BTS fans in Indonesia regularly hold social events. According to her, this is nothing but the positive spirit always spread by the singers of the song 'War of Hormone.'

"I'm happy and really grateful to be in this fandom. BTS fans are really active in charity events and humanitarian activities. Non-Army fans also usually come because we always engage in positive activities and socialize," said the woman who considers Kim Tae-hyung as her bias.

Previously, the social actions of BTS Army also gained attention when the 'BTS Meal' was released. Yes, they provided various tips for ojol drivers, from a bag of rice to hundreds of thousands of rupiah.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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