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In Order to Become Emperor in 'The King: Eternal Monarch', Lee Min Ho is Willing to Take Math Courses and Flirt with Horses

In Order to Become Emperor in 'The King: Eternal Monarch', Lee Min Ho is Willing to Take Math Courses and Flirt with Horses Lee Min Ho (credit: SBS) - Surely you already know and may be looking forward to seeing Lee Min Ho in the drama The King: Eternal Monarch which started airing on SBS and Netflix on Friday night (17/4/2020). This is Lee Min Ho's first comeback drama on the small screen after mandatory military service.

In this fantasy genre drama, Lee Min Ho portrays the character Lee Gon, a Korean emperor, in a parallel world. Although he is already handsome and gallant, it turns out that there are several preparations that Lee Min Ho has made for his role as Lee Gon. This was revealed by the actor during a press conference on Thursday (16/4/2020).

1. Building Muscles

Not only a head of state, the character Lee Gon played by Lee Min Ho is also a nearly perfect man, skilled in sports and intelligent. That's why one of the preparations done by this 32-year-old man is to build arm muscles.

"One detail about my role is that he is a professional rower. So that's one thing I have to train a lot. To convincingly portray a rower, I have to wear sleeveless shirts. So I have to practice," he said.

2. Math Course

Next, it turns out that Lee Gon has a sharp mind, especially in science. Lee Min Ho admitted that he is weak in this area. That's why, in order to appear convincing, he is willing to take courses.

"In addition, my character is also a mathematics expert. So I have to take many courses with physics and mathematics experts. This is very difficult for me. Although I don't delve too deeply into it, I try to understand the logic of a mathematician's thinking in order to be convincing," he said.

3. Riding a Horse

If you have seen the teaser for The King: The Eternal Monarch, you would know that Lee Gon is portrayed as skilled in horse riding. That's why Lee Min Ho took the time to get close to the horse that is his co-star.

"My character also has a horse named Maximus. So, I had to build chemistry with my horse. That's why I took horse riding lessons. I had quite a lot of personal preparations for this drama," he concluded.

Now I'm even more excited to watch it!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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