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Photo Press Conference of Drama 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH', Lee Min Ho as a King Greeting the People

Photo Press Conference of Drama 'THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH', Lee Min Ho as a King Greeting the People Press Conference The King: Eternal Monarch (credit: SBS) - We will soon see Lee Min Ho's acting on screen again in THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH. Before the airing, he and other cast members held a press conference on Thursday (16/4/2020). Let's see the atmosphere and fashion of Lee Min Ho and others during the press conference.

1. Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun

Here are the two main actors whose chemistry has been eagerly awaited. Are they suitable as a couple?

2. Lee Min Ho's Appearance

Lee Min Ho wore a turtleneck covered with a suit. His appearance is just like his role as Emperor Lee Gon, elegant and his expensive aura is once again visible.

3. Kim Go Eun's Appearance

Whether planned or not, Kim Go Eun also wore black and white. Kim Go Eun, who portrayed two characters in the drama, also looks elegant.

4. Woo Doo Hwan

Woo Doo Hwan also portrayed two characters in the drama. One of them is as Lee Min Ho's bodyguard. With all black attire, Woo Doo Hwan becomes even more charming.

5. Like a True King

When asked to pose by the media, Lee Min Ho's style is already like a king greeting his people.

6. Bromance

Lee Min Ho and Woo Doo Hwan have already shown their closeness. Hmm apparently the bromance in this drama is going to be very strong.

7. Eye Contact

Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun sat next to each other during the Q&A session. They are not shy to make eye contact and even laugh together.

8. Kim Go Eun and Jung Eun Chae

Kim Go Eun and Jung Eun Chae also seem close like siblings. Hopefully, there will be many moments like this in the drama.

9. Can't Wait!

THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH will start airing on April 17th on SBS. So, who's been eagerly waiting to watch? Who's also been missing Lee Min Ho?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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