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Interesting Facts About the Korean Drama LTNS (Long Time No Sex), Already Aired and Available to Watch on Vidio!

Interesting Facts About the Korean Drama LTNS (Long Time No Sex), Already Aired and Available to Watch on Vidio! Drakor 'Long Time No Sex' aired on Vidio (Photo Credit: Vidio) - The Vidio streaming platform is bringing a new Korean drama titled LTNS (Long Time No Sex). This romantic comedy genre drama premiered on January 19, 2024.

LTNS tells the story of a married couple who are experiencing boredom and fatigue. After going through many things, there is one thing that brings them back together and makes their lives as a couple interesting again.

This drama stars Ahn Jae-hong and Esom as the main cast of a married couple. Curious about the storyline? Before watching it on Vidio, check out the synopsis and interesting facts below.

1. Synopsis

This drama tells the story of Woo-jin (Ahn Jae-hong) and Samuel (Esom), a married couple who have been married for 10 years. Initially, their marriage was full of love and passion, but over time, their passion faded. Both couples feel bored and unsatisfied with their relationship, trying to find ways to reignite their love life without knowing where to start.

One day, they both meet a private detective who offers help in uncovering their partner's infidelity. Although initially hesitant, Woo-jin and Samuel agree to try the detective's offer.

Through this new job, the couple begins to learn more about themselves and the dynamics of their relationship. This journey helps them rediscover the passion that has been lost in their marriage.

2. Interesting Facts

Esom and Ahn Jae Hong will reunite for the third time in the drama LTNS. They previously acted together in the film Microhabitat in 2018 and the short film High Surf Expected in 2020, where their characters had a romantic relationship.

In the drama LTNS, they will play a married couple who have been married for 5 years, but their marriage is going through problems.

This drama has many funny and entertaining comedy scenes. Although there will also be some hot scenes as the drama title suggests.

3. Watch the Korean drama LTNS (Long Time No Sex) on Vidio

Here is a brief synopsis and interesting facts about the latest Korean drama that will be aired on the streaming platform Vidio. KLovers can watch the complete LTNS (Long Time No Sex) drama with Indonesian subtitles on Vidio starting from January 20, 2024.

To watch, you can also click HERE and download the Vidio app on your mobile phone, so you won't miss the premiere.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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