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Joo Ji Hoon Receives Message to Live Life, Bae Doona Instead Feels Sad when Seeing Zombies in 'KINGDOM' Season 2

Joo Ji Hoon Receives Message to Live Life, Bae Doona Instead Feels Sad when Seeing Zombies in 'KINGDOM' Season 2 Joo Ji Hoon - Bae Doo Na KINGDOM Season 2 © Netflix - Many are curious about the continuation of the story in KINGDOM in this season 2. Netflix has also officially released the first trailer of KINGDOM SEASON 2 which lasts for 1 minute 58 seconds. In the press conference held on Thursday, March 5, 2020, Joo Ji Hoon and Bae Doona commented on the characters in the series.

Joo Ji Hoon admits that he really likes the characters and the story in the Netflix series which will air on March 13, 2020. For him, this series is not only about fantasy but also has many messages that can be obtained while watching it. One of them is in facing challenges.

"I like my character because I think it's interesting. The story is also very entertaining, even though the genre is fantasy but there are many aspects that I can relate to reality. For example, how we face difficulties. I am happy because KINGDOM is not only about a hero but more about how we find a way out in facing challenges, and I really like that," said the actor Lee Chang.


1. Bae Doona Sad When Seeing Zombies, Why?

Meanwhile, Bae Doona apparently admitted feeling sad when seeing zombies. This is because many people are starving when the zombies appear. Not only that, she also sees what can be done to gain power.

"Besides the entertaining story, there are many messages in the story. When the zombies appear, not only afraid when seeing them but also feel sad. As you know, many people are starving because of this epidemic. Besides, they can do anything to gain power. Not only during the Joseon Dynasty era but also can happen anywhere and anytime to survive," said Bae Doona.

2. Prince Lee Chang's Struggle

In its second season, the increasing number of zombie troops began to threaten the safety of the kingdom and its people. Facing this situation, Chang became more determined to remove the Cho family from the kingdom. He also invited people to help him regain his throne.

The atmosphere became more heated because the Cho family still refused to hand over the kingdom to Chang. The Queen even took advantage of the zombie epidemic to defend her position. Meanwhile, Seo-bi continued her search to find the source of the epidemic.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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