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[KALEIDOSCOPE 2023] Series of Korean Stars Who Became Newsmakers in 2023: From Zayyan XODIAC to Yoona - Junho Ship Drakor

[KALEIDOSCOPE 2023] Series of Korean Stars Who Became Newsmakers in 2023: From Zayyan XODIAC to Yoona - Junho Ship Drakor Korean Newsmaker Kaleidoscope 2023 - Throughout 2023, a series of Korean stars have stolen the spotlight through their appearances, music, and Korean dramas they starred in. Especially in Indonesia, these names have flooded social media as they continue to be the topic of discussion.

You can vote for who you think is the suitable Korean Newsmaker in KapanLagi in 2023. Make sure your idol becomes the winner through voting here or in the comment section below!

Now let's take a look at the nominees~

1. Yoona - Junho

In 2023, Yoona and Junho really caught the attention of Korean drama lovers who fell in love with their chemistry in KING THE LAND. In fact, many viewers are so excited to see Yoona and Junho that they want these two stars to date!


Talking about K-Pop music in 2023, we can't miss SEVENTEEN, who even made a comeback twice with mini-albums, breaking the record for the highest album sales. They sold 6.3 million copies of FML and 5.5 million copies of SEVENTEENTH HEAVEN, according to data from December 9, 2023.


It can be said that MOVING is one of the star-studded series with an exciting storyline in 2023. It features top actors and actresses with amazing acting skills such as Jo In Sung, Ryu Seung Ryeong, Han Hyo Joo, and Cha Tae Hyun, as well as interesting chemistry between Go Yoon Jung, Lee Jung Ha, and Kim Do Hee! The success of MOVING has made viewers eagerly await season 2!


Carrying a story of bullying adapted from a true story, THE GLORY starring Song Hye Kyo, Lim Ji Yeon, Lee Do Hyun, Kim Hieora, Cha Joo Young, and Jung Soo Il has truly captured the public's attention. Not only because the bullying story portrayed is real, but also because of the perfect acting and chemistry among the cast. It's no wonder that THE GLORY has become one of the nominees for Newsmaker in the Korean showbiz.

5. Jungkook BTS

Jungkook BTS solidifies his solo career in 2023 by releasing a single titled 'Seven' ft Latto, which was released on July 14 and debuted at number one on the Hot 100 chart, the Global 200, and the Global (excluding the United States). 'Seven' also became the fastest song to reach 1 billion streams on Spotify. Continuing his success, the Golden Maknae released his second solo single '3D' ft Jack Harlow on September 29, followed by 'Too Much' in October. The peak of his career was when Jungkook released his debut album titled 'GOLDEN,' which achieved success in both Korea and globally.

6. Zayyan XODIAC

In 2023, Indonesian K-Pop fans must be proud because there is an addition of K-Pop idols from the homeland. Zayyan made history by officially debuting as a K-Pop idol on April 25, 2023, together with XODIAC. He was a participant in Rising Star Indonesia 2018 and Indonesian Idol in 2019, and now Zayyan can debut in Korea.

Have you voted here, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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