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Kim Tae Hee's Daughter in the Drama 'HI BYE, MAMA!' Turns Out to be Played by a Boy!

Kim Tae Hee's Daughter in the Drama 'HI BYE, MAMA!' Turns Out to be Played by a Boy! Kim Tae Hee - Seo Woo Jin. Credit: tvN - After a long time, Kim Tae Hee finally returned to star in a Korean drama project. As is known, the mother of two children had been on hiatus for approximately five years.

Kim Tae Hee will play the role of Cha Yuri in the drama HI BYE, MAMA! Of course, the return of the popular Korean actress immediately caught the public's attention.

However, not only Kim Tae Hee, the child star who played her daughter in the drama also became a hot topic. I wonder why?

1. Kim Tae Hee's Child in Drama

The child star named Seo Woo Jin plays the role of Kim Tae Hee's child in the drama HI BYE, MAMA! named Jo Seo Woo. Even though he is still a child, he has caught the attention of netizens.

Yup, at the age of five, this child star has already made netizens fall in love with his sweet and adorable visuals, just like Kim Tae Hee.

2. Boy

After the teaser of the drama was released, netizens' interest in the child star grew even more. However, the public was surprised to learn that Kim Tae Hee's daughter in the drama HI BYE, MAMA! is played by a boy!

Previously, the child actor Seo Woo Jin had already appeared in dramas, of course, as a boy. This is the first time he is playing a girl. Nevertheless, the child looks suitable and very beautiful!


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