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Korean Drama 'HELLBOUND' Screened at Busan International Film Festival, Yoo Ah In Proud to See Audience's Response

Korean Drama 'HELLBOUND' Screened at Busan International Film Festival, Yoo Ah In Proud to See Audience's Response Yoo Ah In is proud of the response to HELLBOUND ©NETFLIX - Today, Tuesday (16/11), NETFLIX held a press conference for their latest drama titled HELLBOUND. This 6-episode drama will be released on November 19th.

What's even more special is that HELLBOUND is directed by Yeon Sang Ho, who is known for his extraordinary works such as TRAIN TO BUSAN and PENINSULA. This certainly makes Korean drama lovers even more curious about the thriller and fantasy genre of the story.

When asked about the message that he wants to convey through the film HELLBOUND, Yeon Sang Ho wants to portray the importance of belief for someone. This is conveyed through the existence of a sect that believes in God and death, as well as the appearance of death angels who send humans to hell.

"This drama is performed by extraordinary actors and actresses. These characters can also be found around us. We are also very familiar with beliefs, what beliefs we hold. I really want to portray the beliefs that exist around us and provide an opportunity to think about our society and beliefs. Belief is important, and it is what makes us who we are. That's the message I want to convey in this film," he said.

1. Yoo Ah In Proud to See Audience Response

As conveyed by the director, HELLBOUND itself is starred by a number of top Korean actors and actresses. They include Yoo Ah In, Park Jung Min, Kim Hyun Joo, Won Jin Ah, Kim Shin Rok, and many more.

As one of the main stars in the drama HELLBOUND, Yoo Ah In admitted that he is very proud when seeing the audience response at the Busan International Film Festival. He is so happy to realize that they are very focused while watching every scene in the drama.

"I was there at the Busan International Film Festival, I remember the audience there didn't move. They were so focused and impressed with the film," said Yoo Ah In during the HELLBOUND press conference on Tuesday (16/11).

So, are you one of those who can't wait to see how exciting HELLBOUND is? ;)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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