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Lee Soo Man Becomes Director of Virtual K-POP Show 'Special Event for the Companion Sale of Korea'

Lee Soo Man Becomes Director of Virtual K-POP Show 'Special Event for the Companion Sale of Korea' Lee Soo Man (credit: SM Entertainment) - The South Korean government held a Special Event for the Companion Sale of Korea, which is part of the Companion Sale of Korea. The event is planned to be held for 3 days from July 1, 2020, until July 3, 2020.

This special event is held with the aim of increasing consumer sentiment and supporting small and medium-sized enterprises affected by COVID-19. This event, which features virtual K-POP performances and live-commerce, will be held at Sungnyemun Gate.

Lee Soo Man leads the production of various content that will be presented through virtual K-POP performances, such as celebration ceremonies and colorful K-POP star stages with the background of Sungnyemun Gate. This event will be broadcast live on July 3, 2020, at Sungnyemun Gate, Seoul, and KSPO Dome Olympic Park.


1. Held Beyond Live Concert

Previously, Lee Soo Man, along with SM Entertainment, held the world's first online concert titled Beyond LIVE, which was produced using augmented reality (AR) technology, interactive communication, and full-color art technology.

The excitement of the concert successfully attracted attention worldwide and will be used in future performances that will provide unique enjoyment that can only be enjoyed through online shows.

2. Participated in Theme Song Production

Lee Soo Man also participated in the production of the theme song and stage performance for We Are. The theme song Companion Sale of Korea was produced to be sung by people from all walks of life.

It is hoped that the song We Are can inspire through stage production that uses video call connection techniques and augmented reality (AR) technology to add meaning to the event in order to convey a message to the public.

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups of South Korea revealed, "K-POP has enhanced the national brand status. As the national brand is associated with the competitiveness of economic players, Korea Companion Sale has created a new genre called virtual K-Sales. In this case, it is important for K-POP pioneers to participate as the overall event director and convey hope."

3. Appearance of Several K-Pop Artists

Several K-Pop artists are scheduled to perform at the virtual K-POP Companion Sale of Korea. Such as Super Junior-K.R.Y, Red Velvet, and NCT Dream. Their performances will be broadcasted worldwide through MBC, YouTube, and Naver VLIVE on July 3, 2020, at 19.00 WIB.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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