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Lisa BLACKPINK Speaks Out About Terrifying Experience with Sasaeng, Chased While Trying to Get a Taxi

Lisa BLACKPINK Speaks Out About Terrifying Experience with Sasaeng, Chased While Trying to Get a Taxi Lisa BLACKPINK (credit: - In the glamorous and spotlight-filled world of K-Pop, there is a dark side that is rarely discussed. Lisa BLACKPINK recently decided to speak out about her terrifying experience with sasaengs, obsessive fans who often violate artists' privacy boundaries. In an interview with Woody Milintachinda, Lisa recounted two frightening incidents that made her feel threatened.

The first incident occurred last year, after Lisa returned to South Korea from a trip. Upon arriving home, she was shocked to see someone waiting at her door. Lisa did not expect fans to go that far, considering how valuable privacy is for an artist.

Lisa then told the person that she felt uncomfortable meeting them in that way and asked them to leave. After that, she checked the CCTV around her house and felt scared, especially since she lived alone.

1. Other Incidents with Sasaeng

The second incident was even more terrifying. While getting into a taxi, someone tried to follow her and blocked the taxi door from closing with their foot. Lisa felt a deep sense of fear when facing that situation.

Lisa even asked her female manager to stay with her because she felt scared. She also mentioned the same thing when she was at her home in Los Angeles, United States. This incident made Lisa sometimes feel unsafe at events attended by many people because there is a potential for strangers to attack her.

2. Fan Response to Lisa's Story

After hearing Lisa's story, many fans expressed their concern and showed their support. This indicates that there are many fans who care about the well-being of the artists and want to see them safe.

Lisa's experience with sasaeng is a reminder for all of us about the importance of respecting others' privacy and boundaries. Let's support our artists appropriately; if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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