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Making NCTzens Even More Proud, NCT 127 and NCT Dream Album Sales Surpass 3 Million Copies

Making NCTzens Even More Proud, NCT 127 and NCT Dream Album Sales Surpass 3 Million Copies Successful sales of NCT 127 and NCT Dream albums. Credit: SM Entertainment - NCT Dream who released their first full-length album 'Hot Sauce' in May 2021 and NCT 127 who released their 3rd full-length album 'Sticker' in September 2021 successfully dominated various global music charts.

Both phenomenal K-Pop groups that heated up the first and last half of 2021 achieved impressive results in physical album sales, where each of them successfully achieved triple million seller by selling more than 3 million copies of their albums.

Previously, NCT Dream successfully sold 2,071,000 copies of their first full-length album 'Hot Sauce' in May 2021 and 1,279,000 copies of the repackaged version of their first full-length album 'Hello Future' in June 2021.

Meanwhile, NCT 127 successfully sold 2,400,000 copies of their 3rd full-length album 'Sticker' in September 2021, and 1,174,000 copies of the repackaged version of their 3rd full-length album 'Favorite' in October 2021.

1. Sales Improvement Notes

If summed up, the album sales of NCT Dream and NCT 127 this year reached 6,930,000 album copies, recording a 3.2-fold increase in sales compared to the second group's album sales in 2020.

Thus, NCT 127 and NCT Dream have proven their strong popularity by selling 3 million copies of their respective albums in a span of 5 months.

Therefore, great attention is directed towards the future activities of NCT 127 and NCT Dream.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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