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Military Service Not Yet Completed, D.O. EXO Already Confirmed as the Lead Actor in the Film 'THE MOON'

Military Service Not Yet Completed, D.O. EXO Already Confirmed as the Lead Actor in the Film 'THE MOON' D.O EXO (credit: - D.O. EXO is currently serving in the military. Despite that, he can still make his fans excited. On Wednesday morning (14/10/2020), there was news about D.O. that immediately made his real name, Doh Kyungsoo, trend on Twitter.

The news is related to D.O.'s acting career. Although he is still in military service, he is reported to be starring in a sci-fi film, THE MOON. The film is directed by Kim Yong Hwa, who has previously collaborated with D.O. in two film series, ALONG WITH THE GODS.

1. Acting Opposite Sol Kyung Gu

In addition to D.O., another name rumored to be the main character in the film THE MOON is a senior actor whose acting skills are unquestionable, Sol Kyung Gu. They will be two characters who collaborate in the film.

THE MOON itself tells the story of two desperate men. The first man is stranded on the moon after an accident. He is then helped by someone on Earth.

Sol Kyung Gu will portray a loner character who works at a star observation site that accidentally connects with the stranded person on the moon. D.O. will portray the man on the moon who doesn't know the way back home.

2. Already Confirmed by SM

A few hours after this news was reported by many media outlets, SM Entertainment confirmed that D.O. will indeed be acting in the film THE MOON, as reported by Hobbyen. Other information about this film is that its filming will begin next year.

Who misses D.O.'s acting? Please be patient because he himself is scheduled to complete his mandatory military service in January 2021.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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