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Curtains in Suzy's Birthday Post Look Familiar, Fans Mention Lee Min Ho's Name

Curtains in Suzy's Birthday Post Look Familiar, Fans Mention Lee Min Ho's Name Suzy © - Lee Min Ho © Special - Bae Suzy has just celebrated her 26th birthday on October 10. This indicates that the multi-talented actress is 27 years old in 2020 according to Korean age calculation.

Even more special, Suzy also received many gifts and well-wishes from her fans and loved ones. The START UP actress shared her photos on her personal Instagram account.

However, many people were distracted by the location and decoration of her birthday celebration. One netizen mentioned Lee Min Ho in the comment section.


1. Suzy's Birthday

In her portrait, Suzy is seen sitting on the floor surrounded by many gifts. She looks refreshed in a white dress and long flowing hair.

"Luv u sueweeties," she writes.

2. Mentioning Lee Min Ho's Name

One netizen commented on the former Miss A member's post. This netizen says that the curtain there looks similar to Lee Min Ho's.

"The curtain is the same as Bang Limin's apartment... remember the ex. Happy birthday," writes the netizen.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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