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Nam Joo Hyuk Feels Guilty, Kim Seon Ho Throws Praise Instead

Nam Joo Hyuk Feels Guilty, Kim Seon Ho Throws Praise Instead Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Seon Ho (credit: Netflix) - START-UP is one of the highly anticipated Korean dramas for many K-drama lovers. Understandably, this drama that will be aired on Netflix features a line-up of main cast members who not only have great acting skills but also charming faces. They are Suzy, Kang Han Na, Nam Joo Hyuk, and Kim Seon Ho.

Talking about the two main actors, Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Seon Ho, they have formed a good chemistry between them. They also praised each other at the START-UP press conference.

1. Nam Joo Hyuk Feels Guilty

In the drama, Do San and Ji Pyeong (characters played by Nam Joo Hyuk and Kim Seon Ho) have some issues. But don't worry, in real life, they are fine.

"Do San and Ji Pyeong have a difficult relationship as if there is something between them. Do San is not the type of person you see every day. When I deliver my lines, sometimes my true self emerges. There are times when I feel guilty towards Ji Pyeong when saying my lines as Do San. Sometimes we have to reshoot because it's so funny and we end up laughing," Nam Joo Hyuk shared.

2. Praise for Kim Seon Ho

Kim Seon Ho himself has a lot of praise for his 26-year-old co-star. He also has his own way of displaying chemistry with Nam Joo Hyuk.

"I met Joo Hyuk through this drama. He is sincere and genuine. Everything he does feels real. I just follow that energy and it's very enjoyable. Trust is very important for chemistry. Sometimes he improvises and it makes him a great Do San. Amazing," praised Kim Seon Ho.

So, what are Do San and Ji Pyeong like when they meet? Let's wait and see!


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