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Moment Loudi Ex 14U Meets Dita Karang in Person, Gives Support to Secret Number

Moment Loudi Ex 14U Meets Dita Karang in Person, Gives Support to Secret Number Loudi Ex 14U - Dita Karang Secret Number. Credit: - As Tagged - Dita Karang, who is one of the members of Secret Number, is currently a hot topic of discussion. The same goes for the group that just debuted with the single 'Who Dis?'.

As part of their promotions, Dita Secret Number and other members recently appeared on a radio show. There, they met Loudi Ex 14U, who is a radio host. Curious about what happened?

1. Loudi's Post

On Friday (29/5) yesterday, Loudi uploaded a photo that caught the attention of fans. In the post, he took a selfie with Dita Karang and other Secret Number members.

At that time, Secret Number was visiting a radio show hosted by Loudi to promote their debut. Most likely, this was the first time Loudi and Dita met face to face.

2. Support Secret Number

In the caption, Loudi expressed his gratitude and support for Secret Number's debut.

"Had so much fun today with the Secret Number members! Thank you so much for visiting the studio! I hope you always succeed and stay motivated for the promotion of the song WHO DIS! Don't forget to always support Secret Number!" he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Posting Wearing Wedding Dress and Allegedly Pregnant, Here are a Series of Photos of Nabila Putri when Appearing Feminine - Thick Makeup

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Posting Wearing Wedding Dress and Allegedly Pregnant, Here are a Series of Photos of Nabila Putri when Appearing Feminine - Thick Makeup