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After Being Compared to 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED' Child Actor, Rafathar's Photo is Now Compared to Choi Siwon

After Being Compared to 'THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED' Child Actor, Rafathar's Photo is Now Compared to Choi Siwon Rafathar - Choi Siwon. Credit: via - tvN taken on 30/5/2020 at 13.52 - The drama THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED recently became popular and viral. Not only in Korea, but also watched by many people in the country.

A while ago, Rafathar Malik Ahmad, the son of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina, was associated with THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED drama. Many felt that the child resembled Jeon Jin Seo.

And now, Rafathar is compared to Choi Siwon!


1. Similar to Jeon Jin Seo

Recently, a fan account named @chevirgo uploaded a photo of Rafathar alongside Jeon Jin Seo when they were still young.

Jeon Jin Seo himself is an actor who played the character Lee Joon Young in the drama THE WORLD OF THE MARRIED. If you look closely, they do have similar facial features.

2. Similar to Choi Siwon

Not long after, the same fan account showcased a photo of Rafathar now alongside Choi Siwon. This Super Junior member is known to be familiar with Raffi Ahmad's family.

In the photo comparison, Rafathar does indeed resemble Siwon. What do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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