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Park Bo Young Reportedly Set to Make a Comeback in Latest Drama

Park Bo Young Reportedly Set to Make a Comeback in Latest Drama Park Bo Young © News1 Korea - Park Bo Young is reportedly set to make a comeback. This was revealed in an exclusive report by Sports World.

It is reported that Park Bo Young has been offered a role in the latest drama titled ONE DAY DESTRUCTION CAME TO OUR DOOR. She will portray the main female character, Tak Dong Kyung, in the drama.

If she accepts the offer, this will be her next drama since August 2018. As it is known, her last drama was ABYSS, in which she starred alongside Ahn Hyo Seop.


1. Hiatus for a While

In November 2019, Park Bo Young suffered a serious arm injury. Her agency announced that the actress had to undergo treatment and take a break from the entertainment industry.

The drama ONE DAY DESTRUCTION CAME TO OUR DOOR is written by Im Meari, the screenwriter of BEAUTY INSIDE. Park Bo Young was offered the role of Tak Dong Kyung, a novel website editor who has no purpose in life and her life suddenly changes after discovering a shocking fact.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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