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Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yoon Hee Divorce After Three Years of Marriage, Here's the Reason!

Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yoon Hee Divorce After Three Years of Marriage, Here's the Reason! Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yoon Hee (credit: Special) - There's some unpleasant news from the world of Korean celebrities. Another celebrity couple has announced their divorce, namely Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yoon Hee. They got married in 2017.

According to an exclusive report from Dispatch as reported by Koreaboo, they decided to separate after three years of marriage and having a daughter. It is said that their decision to separate is due to personality differences.


1. Long Discussions Have Taken Place

According to a source close to both of them, the couple mentioned that there are many differences between them. Finally, after having long and cautious discussions, Lee Dong Gun and Jo Yoon Hee decided to divorce.

"During the consultation process, the most important thing is the custody of the child. Jo Yoon Hee will raise their daughter," said the source.

2. Agency Gives Comment

FNC Entertainment, the agency of Lee Dong Gun, has issued a statement regarding the news of their actor's divorce. The same goes for Jo Yoon Hee's agency, King Kong By Starship.

"We apologize to hear that they have decided to divorce. We respect their wishes. Divorce is a sensitive issue. We ask for your support and calmness as they have made a difficult decision," said the agency.

Wishing the best for Jo Yoon Hee and Lee Dong Gun!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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7 Portraits of Kim Soo Hyun in the First Teaser of the Drama After Military Service, Playing a Handsome Healthcare Worker

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