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6 Handsome Korean Actors who Used to be 'Partners' of Jun Ji Hyun, Lee Min Ho in the Drama 'THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA'

6 Handsome Korean Actors who Used to be 'Partners' of Jun Ji Hyun, Lee Min Ho in the Drama 'THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA' Kim Soo Hyun - Jun Ji Hyun - Lee Min Ho © Special - Jun Ji Hyun is one of the top Korean actresses who always successfully steals attention. Besides her charming appearance, her acting skills in various dramas and films are also commendable.

After starring in the drama THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA alongside Lee Min Ho, this 38-year-old actress is rumored to be starring in a drama titled MOUNT JIRI. Until now, the actor who will be her partner has not been confirmed.

However, it doesn't hurt to see the list of handsome actors who have been partners with Jun Ji Hyun. Curious who they are?


1. Cha Tae Hyun

The film MY SASSY GIRL is one of the successful romantic comedy films starring Jun Ji Hyun. Paired with Cha Tae Hyun, this actress successfully earned the nickname First Love in Korea.

2. Lee Jung Jae

Playing alongside top actor Lee Jung Jae, Jun Ji Hyun managed to steal the spotlight in the film IL MARE. This mellow genre film is adapted from the film THE LAKE HOUSE. In addition, Jun Ji Hyun was also reunited with Lee Jung Jae in the films THE THIEVES and ASSASSINATION.

3. Jang Hyuk

Next, there is the film WINDSTRUCK starring Jang Hyuk. This film is inspired by the film GHOST.

4. Jung Woo Sung

Actor Jung Woo Sung has also acted alongside Jun Ji Hyun. They played as a couple in the romantic film DAISY.

5. Kim Soo Hyun

Jun Ji Hyun has been paired with Kim Soo Hyun in the drama MY LOVE FROM THE STAR. This drama is the second time Jun Ji Hyun has met Kim Soo Hyun after the film THE THIEVES.

6. Lee Min Ho

Lastly, there is Lee Min Ho who has been a partner to Jun Ji Hyun. Their intimacy and humor can be seen in the drama THE LEGEND OF THE BLUE SEA.

She starred in this drama a few months after giving birth to her first child in February 2016.


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