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Proof Photo of Suho EXO as Leader in Mandatory Military Service, His Troops Are More Than Captain Ri Jung Hyuk

Proof Photo of Suho EXO as Leader in Mandatory Military Service, His Troops Are More Than Captain Ri Jung Hyuk Suho EXO (credit: SM Entertainment) - On May 14, 2020, Suho EXO began his mandatory military service and started his basic training before being assigned as a public worker. Despite being absent from the entertainment world and making fans miss him, fortunately there are some updates from the singer of the song Let's Love.

Some time ago, it was reported that Suho not only received praise for his good looks from his colleagues, but he also received a kind of 'position'. He was appointed as a jungdaejang or leader in his troops. This also made fans realize that wherever he is, the man named Kim Junmyeon always has the aura of a leader. His position is similar to the character Captain Ri Jung Hyuk in the drama CRASH LANDING ON YOU.

1. Suho The Leader

On Tuesday (26/5/2020), a new photo of Suho was uploaded by the official Army Training Center website. Just like the previous photo, the leader of EXO was seen together with his fellow soldiers.

Suho, sitting in the front corner, was wearing a military uniform and beret, just like the others. But there was one thing that set him apart. On Suho's chest, there was a badge attached indicating that he is the leader of his unit.

While Captain Ri's unit consists of three people, Suho has 10 members.

2. Suho's Handsomeness!

A clearer version of Suho's photo (cropped from the previous photo) to satisfy the longing of fans. Even without makeup and stage costumes, the handsome aura of this idol cannot be hidden.

Keep up the spirit in fulfilling your military duty, Suho. Stay healthy always!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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