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Lee Min Ho's IG Followers Increase by 2.7 Million in Less Than 2 Months, Almost Becoming the Korean Actor with the Most Followers

Lee Min Ho's IG Followers Increase by 2.7 Million in Less Than 2 Months, Almost Becoming the Korean Actor with the Most Followers Lee Min Ho © SBS - Lee Min Ho is currently the most talked-about Korean actor. After a long absence from the screen, this top Hallyu actor greets fans again with his amazing acting skills in his first drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH since his military discharge in April 2019.

Since its premiere, the drama starring Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun has been popular worldwide. The drama ranked #19 on the list of Most Popular/Watched TV Shows in the World in 2020 on Netflix, and it is the only South Korean TV show on the list.

1. Rapid Increase in Followers

Thanks to the popularity of this drama, more and more fans have started following the handsome actor on his Instagram (@actorleeminho). On April 3rd, Lee Min Ho had 12.6 million followers on his personal Instagram account. However, this number continues to skyrocket, reaching 15.3 million as of May 28th.

For your information, the drama THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH started airing on April 17th. In less than 2 months, Lee Min Ho has already gained approximately 2.7 million followers.

2. Korean Actor in First Place

The Korean actor with the most followers on Instagram is Lee Jong Suk, who is currently serving in the military. This actor had 15 million followers on April 3rd and 15.7 million followers on May 28th on his account @jongsuk0206.

It seems like Lee Min Ho will become the Korean actor with the most followers on Instagram if he continues to gain such a large number of followers. What do KLovers think?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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