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7 Korean Dramas with Short Episodes, Can be Watched in a Day

7 Korean Dramas with Short Episodes, Can be Watched in a Day The Sound Of Your Heart, Choco Bank, Love Alarm (credit:; credit:; credit: - When we watch Korean dramas, it usually takes a long time, even weeks. This is because of the long episodes and the duration of each episode that takes a lot of time. But sometimes the reason why Korean dramas can't be played in just one day is because it's difficult for us to cut a drama, which eventually makes us stay up all night to continue watching the episodes.

Sometimes, for someone who doesn't have a lot of time to watch a drama, they will look for a Korean drama with short episodes so they can finish it in just one day. And of course, it's not easy to find a drama with short episodes in a Korean drama. However, there are still several Korean dramas with short episodes that you can watch. What are those dramas? According to various sources, here are 7 Korean dramas with short episodes that you can watch. Who knows, it might become your next favorite drama.


The first short episode Korean drama is CHOCO BANK. This drama starring Kai EXO and Park Eun Bin only has 6 episodes. And each episode has a duration of only 14 minutes, which you can watch in one day.

This drama, which aired on February 15, 2016, tells the story of managing finances in running a chocolate business. This drama, which is also Kai Exo's debut in the world of acting, has gained nearly 9.5 million views. And this certainly makes CHOCO BANK one of the must-watch dramas for you


The next short episode Korean drama is LOVE ALARM. This drama starring Kim So Hyun only has 8 episodes with a running duration of 60 minutes. It aired on Netflix since August 2019 and has achieved a rating of 8.2 percent since its release.

Adapted from the webtoon of the same title, this drama tells the story of friends involved in a love triangle starting from an application that can show how many people like us within a radius of 10 meters. This drama will take you to see the sacrifice between love and friendship, which is certainly a must-watch for you Korean drama lovers. In addition, the love alarm application is truly made real and can be downloaded from the Play Store.


Drama THE MIRACLE is one of the short duration Korean dramas that you must watch. The drama tells the story of two siblings with contrasting physical appearances and personalities. One has a slim body and a beautiful face but is arrogant, while the other has a chubby body but a kind heart.

On one occasion, they switch bodies and live in different bodies, and in the end, they realize each other's strengths and weaknesses. This drama, released in 2016, has 12 episodes with a runtime of only 15 minutes per episode. Starring Kim Donghyun, this drama is perfect for you to spend time at home.


This Korean drama is a must-watch for those of you who are bored with the romance genre in a drama. Carrying the comedy genre, THE SOUND OF YOUR HEART has a total of 20 episodes with a duration of 10 minutes each episode.

Starring comedian Lee Kwang Soo and beautiful actress Jung So Min, this drama is guaranteed to make your day very enjoyable. Adapted from the webtoon with the same title, this drama tells the daily life of the author with his family and the woman he likes. THE SOUND OF YOUR HEART not only offers light comedy but also famous actresses and actors as cameos.


For those of you who love culinary and like taking photos in front of food, then the drama DRUNK IN GOOD TASTE will be one of your favorite dramas. This Korean drama with short episodes combines love stories with food that can give a new sensation to you, lovers of Korean dramas.

Starring Kim Hyang Gi and Kim Min Kyu, this drama successfully makes people who have watched it emotional with their acting abilities. This drama, which consists of only 2 episodes, is perfect to accompany your lunch while at home.


Korean drama with short episodes is once again starred by Kim So Hyun. This beautiful and talented actress's ability in acting in a drama is undeniable. Almost all of the dramas she starred in received warm reception and had high ratings. PAGE TURNER is one of the Korean dramas with short episodes that is played by Kim So Hyun.

This drama, which has 3 episodes with a duration of 60 minutes, tells a story about dreams and talents. It starts with a high school student named Yoo Seul, played by Kim So Hyun, who has a talent for being a pianist but eventually gets into an accident and can no longer play the piano. Along with her friends, she starts something new to pursue her dream.


Korean drama with short episodes, the latest one is BACKSTREET ROOKIE. This drama, which is also the comeback of actor Ji Chang Wook, tells the story of a handsome but reckless man who starts a minimarket business. At the same time, a girl with a unique personality applies to work at the minimarket. And this is where their story begins.

Acting alongside the beautiful actress Kim Yoo Jung, this drama BACKSTREET ROOKIE is scheduled to air in June this year with 16 episodes. And it is one of the most anticipated dramas by fans.

Those are 7 Korean dramas with short episodes that can be your choice in watching a Korean drama. Having a short duration and a few episodes can make it a Korean drama that you can finish in just one day.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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