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'HOSPITAL PLAYLIST' Ends with High Ratings, Season 2 Coming Soon

'HOSPITAL PLAYLIST' Ends with High Ratings, Season 2 Coming Soon Hospital Playlist (credit: tvN) - Lately, there have been many great Korean dramas that shouldn't be missed. One of them is a star-studded drama aired on tvN, HOSPITAL PLAYLIST. This drama is supported by Jo Jung Suk, Yoo Yeon Seok, Jung Kyung Ho, Kim Dae Myung, and actress Jeon Mi Do.

This friendship-themed drama with medical elements, songs, and romance has attracted the attention of many fans. That's why many felt a loss when HOSPITAL PLAYLIST had to end on Thursday night (28/5/2020).

1. High Ratings

The final episode of HOSPITAL PLAYLIST also received satisfying ratings. According to Nielsen Korea as reported by Soompi, the final episode of this drama scored 14.1%, which is one point higher than the previous episode. This rating also became the highest throughout the airing of HOSPITAL PLAYLIST.

Throughout its airing, from the first episode to the last, HOSPITAL PLAYLIST consistently increased its ratings. With a rating of 14.1%, HOSPITAL PLAYLIST became the drama with the highest ratings that aired on Thursday (28/5/2020).

2. Season 2 is Coming

Many people are sad because HOSPITAL PLAYLIST has ended, which means viewers are lacking another good drama to watch. But for fans of this drama, there is good news. It is rumored that there will be a second season airing next year.

Are you ready to wait for HOSPITAL PLAYLIST season 2?



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Lee Min Ho's IG Followers Increase by 2.7 Million in Less Than 2 Months, Almost Becoming the Korean Actor with the Most Followers