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Looking Fresh with a New Hairstyle, Park Shin Hye's Beauty Makes People Baper

Looking Fresh with a New Hairstyle, Park Shin Hye's Beauty Makes People Baper Park Shin Hye ( - Who misses Park Shin Hye? Her movie with Yoo Ah In, ALIVE, will be released soon. Besides that, at least the star of the dramas Doctors and Pinocchio is actively greeting her fans on Instagram.

Park Shin Hye uploaded a mirror selfie on Thursday (28/5/2020). Fans quickly noticed something new about the appearance of the 30-year-old beautiful actress.

1. Beautiful Selfie

Besides wearing a beige dress and looking elegant, Park Shin Hye seems to have a new hairstyle. Now her hair appears to be shoulder-length with a layered style. Previously, she was known to have long hair.

"Can anyone tell me how to make hair longer?" Park Shin Hye asked in the caption.

2. Received Praise

Although she expressed missing her long hair in the caption, many netizens also liked Park Shin Hye's new appearance. According to Allkpop, here are some positive comments she received:

"She's very sweet."

"Why is Park Shin Hye so beautiful?"

"Lucky to be that beautiful.."

Who is amazed by Park Shin Hye's beauty? Does anyone know a quick way to grow hair?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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