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7 Korean Dramas that are Already Awaited for the Next Season, Besides Hospital Playlist, What Else?

7 Korean Dramas that are Already Awaited for the Next Season, Besides Hospital Playlist, What Else? (c) Facebook/tvNDrama - Every year, there is always a trending Korean drama because it has an interesting storyline. Not only limited to the usual romance, the writers are able to package it in a humorous, thrilling, and even fantasy plot that intrigues the viewers.

Just this year, there are already a series of drama titles that have become the talk among netizens. For example, THE WORLD OF MARRIED which focuses on infidelity and creates excitement, THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH which is a fantasy genre with a time slip element, and EXTRACURRICULLAR which tells about dark crime in South Korea and has received praise from viewers in various countries.

No wonder many fans feel reluctant when a drama reaches its final episode. Some don't want to say goodbye to their favorite couple, but there are also those whose endings make them curious because there are still many unanswered plots. Some dramas are rumored to have a next season, whether it's just a rumor or already confirmed by the PD. For example, these 7 popular dramas that are eagerly awaited for the next season by fans. Can you guess which one will air first?


1. Love Alarm

For those who have followed this drama, you must have been really annoyed by the final episode of LOVE ALARM that aired last year. Yup, the original Netflix drama that tells the story of a love triangle between Kim Jo Jo (Kim So Hyun), Hwang Sun Oh (Song Kang), and Lee Hye Young (Jung Ga Ram) initially showcased a beautiful love story.

But until the final episode, Jo Jo has not decided which man she chooses. Since the release of the final episode, netizens have speculated that this drama will have a next season, because it would be impossible to leave it hanging. Luckily, fans can rejoice because Netflix has officially announced that LOVE ALARM 2 will be released on August 22, 2020. Can't wait, right?

2. Signal

This crime and action genre drama has a unique plot, which is about the communication that occurs between Lee Jae Han, a detective in the past, and Park Hae Young, a police officer in the present, through a walkie talkie. They help each other solve murder cases from the past. SIGNAL also has a cliffhanger ending, where until the end of the story, it is still not revealed whether Lee Jae Han is still alive or has really died as many people have thought.

The second season of this drama has been confirmed by Kim Eun Hee, the writer. However, the airing schedule is still unknown because of the busy schedules of the cast, which prevents them from starting the filming process. Let's pray that there will be a miracle that makes the drama really air this year, as rumored!

3. The Fiery Priest

Still remember the actions of Kim Hae Il, a pastor who is skilled at fighting in THE FIERY PRIEST? This drama has achieved high popularity. Not only because of its interesting storyline, but also the unique characters of the actors themselves become an attraction for the audience. Since its last episode aired, THE FIERY PRIEST has given a signal that it will have a second season. This can be seen from the snippet that says 'we will back' at the end of the last episode. However, until now there is no definite news on when THE FIERY PRIEST second season will be aired. Please be patient for now...

4. Doctor Prisoner

Since airing in the second half of 2019, many viewers hope that DOCTOR PRISONER will have a second season. This drama combines medical, crime, and action genres and tells the story of a talented young doctor named Na Ye Ji (Namgoong Min) who is accused of malpractice. This case forces him to become a doctor in prison. But, not only healing patients, Na Ye Ji also helps the authorities to get out of prison by engineering their diseases. The condition is that these authorities must be willing to help him take revenge.

Positive signals have been shown by the production team because DOCTOR PRISONER has been confirmed to have a second season. However, there is no definite schedule for its release because they are still waiting for the shooting schedule from the actors. Can't wait!

5. Partner for Justice

Successful with its previous two seasons, rumors about the presence of a third season of the drama PARTNER FOR JUSTICE have been circulating quite strongly. This is because the ending of the second season was so surprising to the viewers. There are two characters in the drama who are believed to be dead, but it seems like they are still alive based on the credits at the end of the episode. It really makes the viewers curious, right? Are you also one of those who are waiting for the third season of PARTNER FOR JUSTICE?

6. Kingdom

This original Netflix drama written by Kim Eun Hee has successfully captured the attention of the world. The proof is that both seasons were very popular and received high ratings. The first season of KINGDOM, which aired in January 2019, was very intriguing. Netflix was so confident that they ordered a second season of this drama even before the first season finished airing.

The writer Kim Eun Hee herself admitted to having quite a 'wild' idea to develop this drama into more than 3 seasons. According to her, the more she writes the story of KINGDOM, the more excited she becomes and the more ideas she has. Unfortunately, there is no certainty as to when the third season will be released due to the considerations of the current pandemic situation.

7. Hospital Playlist

Here is another Korean drama that successfully makes the audience fall in love. It tells the story of 5 doctors who have been friends since college and now work at the same hospital, specializing in 5 different fields. Not only does it portray the life in the hospital and the dilemmas faced in fighting for patients, but this drama also gives an insight into how these five doctors live their lives as ordinary people. From playing games together, enjoying meals together, to romantic dramas in the hospital that make the viewers excited.

HOSPITAL PLAYLIST has reached its final episode on May 28, 2020. Just after it ended, the viewers are already demanding for the second season. How could they not, there are still many unanswered questions, especially about the love stories between the characters. Like, what will be Song Hwa's response when Ik Jun confesses his feelings? What will happen to the long-distance relationship between Jung Hwan and Ik Sun? Or has Jeong Hwan decided not to become a pastor and choose to stay by Gyeo Ul's side?

Good news is that the director himself, Shin Won Ho, plans to make several seasons of this drama. Be patient and wait for the second season next year!

No matter how many seasons are made, if you have already fallen in love with your favorite Korean drama, you will never get bored waiting. How about you, which drama are you most looking forward to its second season, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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