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NCT 127 Releases Track Video for the Song 'Dreamer', Showcasing the Cheerful Charm of the Members!

NCT 127 Releases Track Video for the Song 'Dreamer', Showcasing the Cheerful Charm of the Members! NCT 127. Credit: SM Entertainment - After being highly anticipated, NCT 127 is ready to make a comeback with their third full album titled 'Sticker'. The presence of this phenomenal K-Pop group is immediately welcomed with enthusiasm by NCTzens.

The third album from NCT 127 itself contains various songs with interesting genres. Starting from bold beats, ballad songs, to showcasing a more cheerful side of the members.

Approaching the comeback moment, various interesting content for the latest album of one of the NCT units has been released. Starting from mood samples to a series of teaser photos that are so captivating.

Most recently, NCT 127 has released the track video for the song 'Dreamer' which is really cool!

1. Track Video 'Dreamer'

The song 'Dreamer', one of the songs in the full-length album 'Sticker', is an uptempo pop dance song with brass and rhythmical band sounds.

The lyrics of the song convey a message that we should forget all our worries when we are together, and dream and enjoy everything together.

The track video for the song 'Dreamer' showcasing the cheerful and warm charm of NCT 127 members will be released today, September 3, 2021, at 10:00 PM WIB on various NCT 127 social media accounts.

In addition, NCT 127 will release their third full-length album 'Sticker', which contains a total of 11 songs in various genres, including the title track 'Sticker', on September 17, 2021, at 11:00 AM WIB through various music sites. The physical album will also be released on the same date.



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