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Save the Date! Anticipated by Shawols, Key SHINee is Ready to Hold an Online Solo Concert

Save the Date! Anticipated by Shawols, Key SHINee is Ready to Hold an Online Solo Concert Key SHINee. Credit: SM Entertainment - Key SHINee recently made a comeback with a pre-release single titled 'Hate that...'. Through the song, the Idol showed a different side and collaborated with Taeyeon Girls Generation.

On the other hand, this September, Key SHINee is ready to release his latest album. This exciting news is definitely welcomed with enthusiasm by Shawol, the SHINee fandom.

Not stopping there, Key is ready to entertain fans with various interesting activities. Besides being active in various variety shows, he will hold an online concert.

The concert will showcase Key's musicality and stylish performance! Save the date!

1. Solo Concert

Key will hold a solo concert 'Beyond LIVE - KEY: GROKS IN THE KEYLAND' which will be broadcasted live worldwide on September 26, 2021, at 13.00 WIB through Naver V LIVE Beyond LIVE.

This concert is Key's first solo concert since the ' KEY LAND - KEY' concert held in February 2019.

Through this concert, fans are expected to enjoy Key's unique musicality, performance, and stylish charm.

2. Hate that...

In addition, Key's latest single 'Hate that...' which was just released on August 30, 2021, has topped the Vibe music chart.

Key will also release his latest solo album in September 2021.

Meanwhile, the purchase of tickets for Key's solo concert 'Beyond LIVE - KEY: GROKS IN THE KEYLAND' can be made starting from September 1, 2021, at 13.00 WIB through Naver V LIVE and SMTOWN &STORE.



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