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NCT Releases Teaser Video 'Work It', Showcasing the Funky Transformation of Members!

NCT Releases Teaser Video 'Work It', Showcasing the Funky Transformation of Members! NCT. Credit: SM Entertainment - As you may know, recently the global K-Pop group NCT has just released their latest album, RESONANCE Pt.2. Like the previous part, they also present 2 title tracks.

Now, after the success of 90's Love, NCT is ready to release the music video for Work It. Approaching this moment, they have released a teaser video. Curious?

1. Teaser Video

NCT will release a teaser video for 'Work It' music video, which shows the funky transformation of NCT members in a fun atmosphere today, November 26, 2020, at 16.00 WIB, through the YouTube channel and NaverTV SMTOWN.

'Work It' sung by JOHNNY, YUTA, TEN, JUNGWOO, HENDERY, JAEMIN, and JISUNG is an electronic dance song with energetic bass line, interesting rhythm synth sound, and addictive chorus. The lyrics of this song express the commitment of NCT members to realize their valuable values and step further towards a promising future.


2. Work It

The 'Work It' music video, which will be released on November 27, 2020, reflects NCT's view of empathy towards each other through 'dreams' and becoming one with 'music'. They also express the message, "I can dance wherever I am" in the form of NCT members freely performing through reality and dreams.

Meanwhile, NCT will attend the MBC FM4U 'Kim Shin Young's Noon Song of Hope' program today at 10.00 WIB.



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