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Not as Happy as the First Season, Song Kang Admits Difficulty in Understanding His Character in 'LOVE ALARM SEASON 2'

Not as Happy as the First Season, Song Kang Admits Difficulty in Understanding His Character in 'LOVE ALARM SEASON 2' Song Kang © Netflix - The love triangle between Kim So Hyun, Jung Ga Ram, and Song Kang in LOVE ALARM SEASON 2 has intrigued drama lovers. After the success of the first season, fans have been eagerly waiting to find out where Jojo's love will end up.

After more than a year of anticipation, Jojo, Hye Young, and Sun Oh are back to answer viewers' curiosity. In this second season, the drama adapted from the popular webtoon by Chon Kye Young continues the story of the Love Alarm app after 4 years. Jojo, Hye Young, and Sun Oh are reminded of their first love memories. Hye Young secretly remains by Jojo's side, Sun Oh still doesn't know why Jojo's heart has changed, and Jojo is still not ready to show her true feelings.

1. Song Kang Needs a Lot of Time to Become Sun Oh in Season 2

While Jojo, Hye Young, and Sun Oh still find it difficult to express their feelings, Song Kang, who plays Sun Oh, says that he had a hard time portraying his character this time. Sun Oh's character is different from season 1, showing a more mature side.

"It's not an exaggeration to say that Sun Oh in season 1 is different from season 2. Director Kim Jin U wanted to show a more mature character, so I had to suppress his cheerful side. I myself am a cheerful person, so it was quite difficult at first, but then I was able to adjust. I needed a lot of time to study Sun Oh from season 1 in order to easily delve into his maturity. Viewers will see a different side of Sun Oh, no more childishness," Song Kang revealed.

2. Value Time Together on Shooting Location

Meanwhile, Song Kang also feels happy to be able to work with Kim So Hyun and Jung Ga Ram again in this season 2. In fact, he said that in this season 2, he values their time together more in every scene.

"In season 2, it reveals the climax and conclusion of this story. I am close to Kim So Hyun, so working with her is so enjoyable and comfortable. With Jung Ga Ram, I don't have many scenes together. So I truly value our time together in every scene. Because I am close to her, it is easier for us to work together in portraying complex feelings that contradict friendship and love.



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