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Not Even a Month, Holy Bang, the Winner of Street Women Fighter, Has Already Done a Photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and Brand Eider

Not Even a Month, Holy Bang, the Winner of Street Women Fighter, Has Already Done a Photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and Brand Eider

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Not Even a Month, Holy Bang, the Winner of Street Women Fighter, Has Already Done a Photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and Brand Eider

The final round of Street Women Fighter took place on October 26, 2021. The dance group Holy Bang emerged as the champion, defeating CocaNButter, LACHICA, and HOOK. Not even a month after winning the title, they were invited for a photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and brand Eider. This photoshoot is their first one after receiving the new title. In the photoshoot, the members of Holy Bang wore the classic Stookie collection from the brand Eider. Want to see their charm in the photoshoot? Let's read the following article!

Written by: Muhammad Ancah

Not Even a Month, Holy Bang, the Winner of Street Women Fighter, Has Already Done a Photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and Brand Eider

Lo-A looks stunning with the pink Eiden collection. She looks even more swaggy with the white glasses she wears while posing. She also wears light brown furry boots that add a winter vibe. 


Mull takes the spotlight in the photoshoot with 1st Look. He looks fierce with the greenish-brown Eider collection and black fur on the collar and back of the neck. He poses while sitting with both hands supporting his body.

Not Even a Month, Holy Bang, the Winner of Street Women Fighter, Has Already Done a Photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and Brand Eider

Hertz also looks captivating with his Holy Bang teammates in this photoshoot. With his distinctive oriental eyes, he wears a white crop top layered with a black jacket from the Eider collection. 


Next, there are Taro, Hertz, and Eevee posing together and showcasing their visuals using collections from Eiden. They also pose using a staircase. The tone of their outfits is also similar, which is soft in color.

Not Even a Month, Holy Bang, the Winner of Street Women Fighter, Has Already Done a Photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and Brand Eider

Next, it's Taro's turn to show off his visuals in the next portrait. He looks iconic with his red hair. Taro wears a white Eider collection that goes well with his silver pants. He also wears white ski goggles with a white frame.


The next portrait features four members of Holy Bang wearing monochrome Eider collections, namely Mull, Lo-A, Belle, and Honey J. They pose with fierce and fierce facial expressions.


Next, Jane appeared alone with a swag and fierce pose. She appeared with partially blonde hair that is characteristic of her and also a white jacket collection from Eider. She also appeared wearing oversized black pants for this photoshoot.

Not Even a Month, Holy Bang, the Winner of Street Women Fighter, Has Already Done a Photoshoot with 1st Look Magazine and Brand Eider

The next portrait features Honey J and Jane posing with collections from Eider that look suitable to wear when winter comes. They wear the same sports bra layered with thick jackets from Eider, complete with white feathered bucket hat for Jane and black for Honey J.


Their first portrait features all eight members of the Holy Bang dance group wearing the exact same outfit. They pose with tools in the background, such as a ladder and toolbox.