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Not Only Talented, Song Kang is Also Praised for His Kindness and Small Face by His Senior

Not Only Talented, Song Kang is Also Praised for His Kindness and Small Face by His Senior Song Kang and Park In Hwan (credit: Netflix) - Do you like Song Kang's acting in the dramas SWEET HOME and LOVE ALARM? Then you must watch him play as a talented ballet dancer in NAVILLERA which will be aired on tvN and Netflix starting Monday, March 22nd, 2021.

In this drama, he acts alongside Park In Hwan, his senior in the acting industry and one of the living legends of acting in Korea. Despite that, they were able to work together well. Park In Hwan even gave a series of compliments to Song Kang during the NAVILLERA press conference held on Tuesday (16/3/2021).

1. Not Angry When Criticized

Park In Hwan said that Song Kang is different from most young actors. Song Kang never complains when criticized and instead quickly responds when receiving advice from co-stars or directors.

"From the beginning, if I feel that he looks a little lacking and can act better, I immediately tell him and he quickly absorbs it. So if we give advice or the director gives instructions, he quickly responds. I know that most young people nowadays don't like being told this and that, that's why I rarely talk to fellow actors. But Kang has a different personality. I believe he can improve from before," said Park In Hwan.

2. Kind-hearted

In the drama, Song Kang plays the role of a ballet mentor for the character played by Park In Hwan. This also makes him rely heavily on his junior.

"He is very kind and warm-hearted. He is very good in many ways. I am older than him, but he is the mentor (in ballet), so I rely on him, keep talking to him," said Park In Hwan.

3. Small Face

Finally, when asked about his first impression when meeting Song Kang, Park In Hwan once again gave praise. Song Kang could only blush hearing praise from his senior.

"He's very young. His face is small but he's very tall. But when acting, he transforms into an actor," Park In Hwan concluded.

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