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Proven to be Very Small, Kim Wooseok's Face Can Be Covered by a CD

Proven to be Very Small, Kim Wooseok's Face Can Be Covered by a CD Kim Wooseok © Singles - Having a small face is a charm for some K-Pop idols. One of them is Kim Wooseok, who has a super small and smooth face.

In one episode of Radio Star, UP10TION member proved how small his face is in front of the hosts. Not half-hearted, Kim Wooseok compared his face to a CD.


1. Very Small

Everyone in the studio looked very surprised when Wooseok placed a CD right in front of his face. Because, the handsome former member of X1 was perfectly covered behind the CD.

As you know, CDs usually have a diameter of 12 cm, a size that is not too big to carry around. Can you imagine how small Kim WooSeok's face is?

2. Different Results

Kim Gura, who is one of the hosts of Radio Star, also tried comparing his face to the same CD. However, the results obtained were very different.

It is mentioned that this famous South Korean host and comedian has a face size twice as big as Kim Wooseok's. The CD only covers Kim Gura's mouth and nose like wearing a mask.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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