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Red Velvet Releases Schedule Poster for Mini-album 'FEEL MY RHYTHM'

Red Velvet Releases Schedule Poster for Mini-album 'FEEL MY RHYTHM' Red Velvet releases comeback schedule poster - photo credit: Twitter/RVsmtown - Red Velvet successfully grabs attention by releasing a schedule poster containing various content release schedules related to the mini-album The ReVe Festival 2022 - Feel My Rhythm on March 6, 2022, at 22:00 WIB.

The ReVe Festival 2022, which starts with this album, is a music festival by Red Velvet named ReVe, which means Dream and Fantasy in French. Previously, the 3 albums released in 2019 received a lot of love for the various attractions provided by Red Velvet.

1. Schedule Poster Comeback

Red Velvet's mini-album The ReVe Festival 2022 - Feel My Rhythm will be released on March 21, 2022, at 16:00 WIB through various music sites such as Flo, Melon, Genie, iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music.

2. Summer Queen

Red Velvet has earned the title of Summer Queen with popular songs released in the summer, such as Red Flavor, Power Up, Umpah Umpah, and Queendom.

Therefore, high expectations are given for the return of Red Velvet with their latest album.

3. Release Details

Red Velvet will also hold a special live event '2022 The ReVe Festival: Prologue' on March 19-20, 2022, at the SK Olympic Handball Stadium.

Meanwhile, pre-orders for the mini-album 'Red Velvet 'The ReVe Festival 2022 - Feel My Rhythm'' can be made starting today, March 2, 2022, online and offline at various music stores.

4. DJ on WENDY's Young Street

WENDY also shared stories about her appearance as a DJ on WENDY's Young Street, saying, "I can see how different generations live and understand their feelings. It feels great to listen to and share songs together. If there are guest stars, I find out everything about them, from their latest songs, music videos, interviews, to stage performances. Everything is easier when prepared in advance. I also try my best to meet the needs of fans."

The photoshoot and interview with WENDY can be seen in the February 2022 edition of Allure Korea.

5. WENDY Project

WENDY also joined GOT the beat, which is the first unit of the Girls On Top project where female artists under SM Entertainment will be brought together in a collaboration unit based on a theme. GOT the beat consists of 7 members, including BoA, TAEYEON and HYO Girls Generation, SEULGI and WENDY Red Velvet, as well as KARINA and WINTER aespa.

Step Back, the song of GOT the beat, is a hip hop R&B song with variations of bass and instrument accompaniment. The lyrics of this song contain a message expressing a woman with high self-esteem falling in love with her lover. The powerful vocals from the members of GOT the beat add perfection to the song.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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