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Just Like Sehun, D.O. EXO Also Has Gray Hair?

Just Like Sehun, D.O. EXO Also Has Gray Hair? D.O. EXO (credit: SM Entertainment) - D.O. has been known as a member of EXO who can be considered low-key. He rarely dyes his hair like other EXO members who like to appear different during comebacks. The 29-year-old (30 in the Korean age system) man used to have a buzz cut like a soldier.

D.O. is also one of the EXO members who rarely updates, understandable since he doesn't have social media. So it's no wonder that when there's recent news or he appears on other EXO members' social media, fans get excited and even grateful.

1. D.O. in Chanyeol's Vlog

Recently, D.O. appeared in Chanyeol's vlog at Studio NNG. Just FYI, even though he is currently serving in the military, Chanyeol uploads a video once a month on the 27th to somewhat alleviate the longing of EXO-Ls. The video was recorded by Chanyeol before his military enlistment.

On February 27, 2022, Chanyeol uploaded a video of him and D.O. taking a walk with one of his dogs, Zzar. Fans were delighted to see this.

2. Making Fans Envious of the Dog

In the video, D.O. and Chanyeol can be seen taking a leisurely stroll. Zzar, the adorable dog, caught their attention as the dog appeared excited.

Many EXO-Ls became envious and suddenly wanted to become a dog when D.O. and Chanyeol praised Zzar. Especially when D.O. kissed the cute animal before parting ways with Chanyeol. It was absolutely adorable!

3. Are There Gray Hairs on D.O.'s Hair?

Not only cuteness that fans pay attention to. Because the uploaded video is of good quality, there are some fans who are focused on D.O.'s hair.

Some see white hair or gray hair on the front of this man's hair named Doh Kyungsoo. It's no wonder that this gray hair also became a hot topic among EXO-L.

4. There Are Also EXO-L Fans with Gray Hair

Fans certainly don't have any problem with the appearance of D.O.'s white hair, because it's normal. Some fans even say that they have had gray hair for several years.

But there hasn't been an official statement from D.O., whether it's really gray hair or just a lighting effect.

5. Sehun Also Has Gray Hair

Sehun, the youngest member of EXO, previously said that he has gray hair at the back of his hair, which made him immediately dye it black. Fans are also excited to hear Sehun's story.

How do EXO-L fans feel about aging together with EXO?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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