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Reported Acting in a Film with Kim Bum, Maudy Ayunda's Management Reveals Only Found Out After it Went Viral

Reported Acting in a Film with Kim Bum, Maudy Ayunda's Management Reveals Only Found Out After it Went Viral Kim Bum - Maudy Ayunda © - In the past few days, there has been news going viral that Maudy Ayunda will be acting alongside South Korean actor Kim Bum. They are cast as a married couple in a film titled TANAH AIR KEDUA.

When asked about this news, Maudy's management stated that they only found out through social media.

"We also only found out about the information through social media," said Anissa Sadino, the media relations of Trinity Optima Records, when contacted by via text message on Tuesday (29/8).

1. Kim Bum Becomes a Soldier from Korea

THE SECOND HOMELAND will be a collaboration project between Garut Regency and South Korea. It tells the story of a Korean soldier named Yang Chil Seong who was executed by the Dutch for helping the Indonesian army.

Kim Bum is rumored to play the role of Yang Chil Seong alias Komarudin. Meanwhile, Maudy Ayunda will portray an Indonesian woman who marries Chil Seong after deciding to settle in Garut and convert to a different religion.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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