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Ryu Jun Yeol's Love Story Version Dispatch, Starting to Drift Apart with Hyeri in June 2023 and Getting to Know Han So Hee in November

Ryu Jun Yeol's Love Story Version Dispatch, Starting to Drift Apart with Hyeri in June 2023 and Getting to Know Han So Hee in November Han So Hee, Ryu Jun Yeol, and Hyeri (credit: Special) - Dispatch not only released photos of Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol in Hawaii. They also revealed what actually happened between Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri and how his relationship with Han So Hee is.

According to Dispatch, Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri started to drift apart in June 2023. This seems to be the reason why Hyeri said on the show HYEMIYELEECHAEPA that sometimes she doesn't receive any messages on her phone for a whole day. Ryu Jun Yeol was also mentioned to not even attend Hyeri's birthday party, which was also celebrated in June.

"Usually, they share their love stories with each other. Even when they don't say anything, I can feel it. I often communicate with them. But now, checking their phones (for chatting with each other) has slowly decreased. And Ryu Jun Yeol didn't go to Hyeri's birthday party. Everyone felt that something was off," said a close friend of Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol to Dispatch.

1. The End of Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri's Story

Although they have been growing apart since June, Ryu Jun Yeol and Hyeri have not been able to break up. After the summer and fall, they are said to have started communicating less frequently.

Finally, they officially decided to break up in November. Just like what was released in many articles at that time.

2. The Beginning of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee's Relationship

Moments after the breakup, Ryu Jun Yeol met Han So Hee for the first time at the actor's photo exhibition on November 15, 2023. Han So Hee was able to attend thanks to her friend, who is also a photographer, Park Ye Eun. This photographer happens to have a good connection with Ryu Jun Yeol.

According to Dispatch, during their first meeting, Han So Hee and Ryu Jun Yeol did not immediately fall in love or have a love at first sight experience. They only fell in love after talking a lot about art.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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