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Salute! ARMY China Establishes High School in the Name of V BTS

Salute! ARMY China Establishes High School in the Name of V BTS V BTS © NAVER x Dispatch - The latest news about BTS is always eagerly awaited by fans. Recently, one of the BTS members, V BTS, has once again gained attention worldwide.

This is because he will be the first idol to establish a school in his name in China. On July 11th, V BTS's fanbase called Baidu V Bar announced that they have donated 71,500 US$ or around Rp 1 billion for the establishment of an elementary school in China.


1. High School in the Name of V BTS

The school is named 'Taehyung Hope Primary School'. This fanbase donated through the Project Hope by China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF).

According to KStarlive, CYDF is a non-profit organization whose main project is Project Hope, a project aimed at ensuring that children in rural China have the opportunity to go to school.

According to the fanbase, the construction of this school is expected to be completed before the end of 2020. Wow, that's really cool!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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