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Save the Date! EXO is Ready to Comeback with Special Album 'DON'T FIGHT THE FEELING'

Save the Date! EXO is Ready to Comeback with Special Album 'DON'T FIGHT THE FEELING' EXO. Credit: SM Entertainment - After a long wait, the anticipation of EXO fans will soon be paid off. Yup, this K-Pop group from SM Entertainment is ready to make a comeback with their latest work.

EXO is ready to release a special album titled 'DON'T FIGHT THE FEELING'. Of course, this news is welcomed with great enthusiasm by EXO-L. Let's find out more information here.


EXO will release a special album 'DON'T FIGHT THE FEELING' on June 7, 2021.

Special album 'DON'T FIGHT THE FEELING' is EXO's latest album after the 6th full-length album 'OBSESSION' released in November 2019. This album is expected to attract attention with songs that have been prepared wholeheartedly, like a gift given to fans.

2. Popularity

EXO has proven its popularity worldwide with mega hits in every album they release. Not only as a group, EXO also proves its popularity through the activities of its units and individual members.

Meanwhile, pre-orders for EXO's special album 'DON'T FIGHT THE FEELING' can already be done online and offline through various music stores in South Korea.



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