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Secret Number's Popularity on YouTube Soars Even Though It's Not Yet Been a Month Since Debut

Secret Number's Popularity on YouTube Soars Even Though It's Not Yet Been a Month Since Debut Secret Number © - The K-Pop industry has become increasingly competitive after becoming a global phenomenon. This is also felt by Secret Number as one of the rookie girl groups that seems to be gaining momentum.

Secret Number, a girl group consisting of five members, Lea, Dita, Jinny, Denise, and Soodam, made their debut on May 19, 2020. Even though it's not yet been a month since their debut, Secret Number has managed to capture the attention of K-Pop fans worldwide.

1. Hot Topic of Conversation

According to Kpopmap, Secret Number has become a hot topic in a popular online community in South Korea. One netizen highlighted the achievements of this rookie group.

Through their debut, Secret Number, which is the first multinational K-Pop group, successfully caught the attention of the global public. It's no wonder that they receive support from various countries outside of South Korea, including Indonesia.

2. Achievements of Secret Number

As of June 10, 2020, Secret Number's debut MV for 'Who Dis?' has been viewed over 13 million times. Meanwhile, their debut stage on the music program M COUNTDOWN has garnered 4.5 million views and continues to increase.

Secret Number is clearly a rookie group to be reckoned with in 2020. Considering Secret Number's achievements in less than a month since their debut, there is a high possibility for them to make waves in the K-Pop industry with new surprises.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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