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SuperM's 'Beyond LIVE' Online Concert Receives Praise from International Media, No Need to Queue to Watch Idol's Performance

SuperM's 'Beyond LIVE' Online Concert Receives Praise from International Media, No Need to Queue to Watch Idol's Performance SuperM (credit: SM Entertainment) - "Beyond LIVE" is a paid online concert that utilizes augmented reality (AR) technology and interactive communication. The concert "SuperM - Beyond the Future" was broadcasted on Naver V LIVE on April 26, 2020, for 120 minutes and has captivated viewers from a total of 109 countries.

After the concert, ABC News in the US reported on SuperM's "Beyond LIVE," stating, "There's no need to queue in front of the concert arena to see your favorite boy band and no need to worry about expensive seat prices." They also added, "Although there are no audience members in the concert hall, the show is broadcasted live for paid ticket buyers worldwide."

1. Variety

Leading cultural magazine 'Variety' also stated, "SuperM turned the concert into a digital experience when their concert was canceled due to the Corona pandemic, adding AR visuals like a tiger running on stage during the performance of 'Tiger Inside' and showcasing pop art graphics in Lucas' solo performance, 'Bass Go Boom'. They also appeared friendly when directly answering questions from fans from various

2. Forbes

Forbes, a leading economic magazine in the US, also expressed interest in 'Beyond LIVE,' stating, "This is the beginning of a series of four concerts planned to replace traditional live events when the Corona virus causes social distancing in many areas."

3. Mejamashi TV

In entertainment news, Fuji TV's 'Mejamashi TV' in Japan released a news article along with SuperM's 'Beyond Live' video titled 'SuperM Holds the First Online Concert in the World, Watched by Fans from 109 Countries, Communicating with Fans Through Video Talk,' followed by major entertainment media such as Sinaorak China, Bonghwangmang, and YES Entertainment News, as well as various media outlets in Korea that also reported news about 'SuperM - Beyond the Future'.

4. There Will Still Be Other Online Concerts

"Beyond LIVE" is an online paid concert with extraordinary production skills from SM Entertainment, combined with Naver's experience in operating global platforms and technology, and is expected to lead the online concert market.

Meanwhile, 'Beyond LIVE' will be continued by WayV on May 3, 2020, NCT DREAM on May 10, 2020, and NCT 127 on May 17, 2020.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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