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The Deleted Final Scene of 'MOON LOVERS' is Finally Revealed, Opening Up Old Wounds for Viewers

The Deleted Final Scene of 'MOON LOVERS' is Finally Revealed, Opening Up Old Wounds for Viewers IU and Lee Jun Ki in MOON LOVERS (credit: KBS2) - MOON LOVERS: SCARLET HEART RYEO is one of the Korean dramas that is still often discussed by fans because of its interesting story, popular cast, and visual appeal, until its ending that hurts viewers' hearts. A little spoiler for those who haven't watched it, in the ending of MOON LOVERS, Hae Soo (the main female character played by IU) returns to the future and cries when she sees a painting of Wang So (Lee Jun Ki) because she remembers the past.

Until now, many people still feel sad about this ending of MOON LOVERS. Not only that, there are also many who hope that this drama will have a second season set in the modern era and with the same cast.

Coincidentally, the MOON LOVERS: SCARLET HEART RYEO - Script Special (script book) is currently viral on social media. One of them is a photo that is said to be the deleted ending of MOON LOVERS from the drama.

1. Hae Soo and Wang So in the Future

On one of the viral manuscript book pages, there is a photo of Hae Soo (or Ha Jin) and Wang So meeting in the future. Hae Soo, who is crying and falls to her knees, is approached by Wang So who brings her a handkerchief. In the drama version, this scene is deleted.

The photo also has the inscription: "Even though our worlds are not the same, I will find you".

2. Explanation of the Previous Photo

There is an explanation for that scene. Here is the explanation.

"Ha Jin cries when she remembers the life she left behind in the Goryeo era and also Gwangjong (Wang So's name after becoming king) whom she still cannot forget. 'I cannot keep my promise. I made you lonely. I cannot protect you. Forgive me.'

Beside Ha Jin, who is sitting weakly and crying, someone extends a handkerchief. A man's hand offers a handkerchief, which contains a little calmness and curiosity. Ha Jin takes the suddenly appearing handkerchief and looks towards the owner of that hand, but the man wearing the suit has already walked away and only shows his back.

As Ha Jin, feeling a bit embarrassed, wipes away her tears with the handkerchief, the man's steps slow down and he hesitates whether to turn back and look at the woman or not. And the man, who is a modern version of Gwangjong, finally looked back at Ha Jin.

Ha Jin then lifted her head and met Gwangjong's gaze. Ha Jin immediately recognized Gwangjong who was looking at her, she still couldn't believe what she saw.

Gwangjong continued his steps again, but had no other choice but to look at the woman again. 'Why is she crying like that? Why do I keep seeing her? Why do I keep wanting to look at her?'

Gwangjong continued to gaze at Ha Jin with an inexplicable attraction. Ha Jin then laughed and cried because they finally remembered the relationship they had in the past.

Both of them looked at each other for a long time, reminiscing about their past life relationship"

3. What do KLovers think about this deleted ending scene? Who is still not over MOON LOVERS?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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