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The Love Story of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee is Being Highlighted, Hyeri Girls Day Finally Speaks Out - Revealing Surprising Facts

The Love Story of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee is Being Highlighted, Hyeri Girls Day Finally Speaks Out - Revealing Surprising Facts

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The Love Story of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee is Being Highlighted, Hyeri Girls Day Finally Speaks Out - Revealing Surprising Facts

Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee, who recently announced their status as a couple, are currently being heavily discussed by the public. Especially after Dispatch released photos of their vacation together in Hawaii.

In addition to the couple, the name Hyeri is also involved in the 'drama' of the actor's love life. Hyeri, who has been silent all this time, finally speaks out about her position as Ryu Jun Yeol's ex-girlfriend. Let's find out more!



On March 18, 2024, Hyeri, who has been silent amidst the buzz surrounding Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee, finally responded.


In her post, Hyeri began with an apology for everything that has happened recently, especially because she had indirectly criticized on social media.

The Love Story of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee is Being Highlighted, Hyeri Girls Day Finally Speaks Out - Revealing Surprising Facts

"Hello, this is Hyeri. First, I would like to apologize for the controversies and speculations caused by my own emotions. At that time, I did not know the consequences of every small action I took. I sincerely apologize to those who have been affected by my actions," she wrote.


Furthermore, Hyeri revealed that she and Ryu Jun Yeol had made an agreement to further discuss their relationship, even after reports of their breakup were released.


"Last November, there was a published report stating that my 8-year relationship had ended. The decision to end our relationship was not made quickly, and even after the article was published, we discussed further discussions about our relationship," Hyeri said.


Contrary to their initial agreement, Hyeri admitted that she never spoke or met with Ryu Jun Yeol after the breakup.

The Love Story of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee is Being Highlighted, Hyeri Girls Day Finally Speaks Out - Revealing Surprising Facts

"However, after that conversation, we never spoke and never met each other. I think when I read the news (about his new relationship) 4 months later, I received the news as Lee Hyeri personally, not as an actress. Once again, I want to apologize for causing harm due to my emotions," Hyeri revealed.

The Love Story of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee is Being Highlighted, Hyeri Girls Day Finally Speaks Out - Revealing Surprising Facts

Closing her long post, Hyeri revealed the reason why she has been silent about her romantic status with Ryu Jun Yeol.


"The reason I have been silent about this issue is because our conversations are very private, and I feel that it would cause more exhaustion. Once again, I apologize to those who are confused by my silence. In the future, I will be more careful with my words and actions," she concluded.

The Love Story of Ryu Jun Yeol and Han So Hee is Being Highlighted, Hyeri Girls Day Finally Speaks Out - Revealing Surprising Facts

This statement and confession from Hyeri immediately shocked many fans with the fact that Hyeri and Ryu Jun Yeol have never really spoken to each other again after breaking up.