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Total Commitment to Become a Soldier in the K-Drama 'D.P.', Jung Hae In Trained Boxing for Three Months in the Summer!

Total Commitment to Become a Soldier in the K-Drama 'D.P.', Jung Hae In Trained Boxing for Three Months in the Summer! Jung Hae In. Credit: Netflix - Handsome actor Jung Hae In is involved in the Korean drama titled 'D.P.'. In this series adapted from a webtoon, he plays a soldier named An Joon Ho.

Dealing with the action theme, this drama presents a challenge for Jung Hae In. When interviewed at a recent press conference, he discussed the action scenes he had to do.

"Director Han Jun Hee and the martial arts director wanted to make sure there were no cuts between the action scenes we did in one take," said Jung Hae In.

Yup, in order to deliver realistic action scenes, Jung Hae In had to train hard. He even trained in boxing!


1. Boxing Training in the Summer!

Explaining the action scenes he had to do in the drama 'D.P.', Jung Hae In and the crew wanted to provide the best shots. That's why Jung Hae In diligently trained boxing for three months.

"The scenes had to be so real. So I had to train boxing for 3 months during the hot summer," he said.

The filming location of 'D.P.' also reminded Jung Hae In of his mandatory military service. He also admitted that he mentioned his real name during filming and felt very nervous during the shoot.

"Honestly, it was me. I was very nervous. There were many military members there. I was so nervous that I even mentioned 'Soldier Jung Hae In' when the camera was rolling. That was my mistake. It felt so real that it reminded me of my time in the military," he said.


2. Military Life

The drama 'D.P.' which is also broadcast on Netflix presents the story of soldiers carrying out important missions. The director explains that there are many interesting military issues to be raised in a drama.

"We can learn a lot about military life in this drama," said director Han Jun Hee.

"There are many issues that we can address in the military. I am very grateful to all those who have allowed me to turn it into a film.

So, for those of you who are interested in military stories, don't forget to watch 'D.P.' on Netflix!




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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