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Back to Hold a Concert in Jakarta, Steve Vai Wants to Feel the Energy from His Fans

Back to Hold a Concert in Jakarta, Steve Vai Wants to Feel the Energy from His Fans Steve Vai: - World-renowned guitarist Steve Vai will hold a spectacular concert at Basket Hall Senayan, Jakarta on October 26, 2023.

Steve Vai, who has held concerts in Indonesia several times, expressed his joy to be able to come back to Jakarta for the Steve Vai Inviolate Tour 2023.

"We are visiting various countries around the world on this tour. It's everything I dreamed of when I was little, playing in my room. Traveling the world like this with the band, crew, and family," said Steve Vai in his written statement on Wednesday (13/9/2023).

1. Becoming a Pleasure of Its Own

According to former Whitesnake guitarist, being able to go on a world tour and interact with fans is a pleasure of its own.

"Being able to interact and enjoy all these amazing cultures and feel the strong energy from the audience, it makes the dream come true. I am very grateful to all the fans who made this possible. We will meet soon," said the 63-year-old man.

For your information, the Steve Vai Inviolate Tour 2023 concert in Jakarta is promoted by Lemmon ID and Nocturnal Blazze. This concert is held to promote Steve Vai's latest album titled Inviolate, which was released on January 22, 2022, through his own label, Favored Nations.

Steve Vai's 10th solo album contains 9 magnificent compositions with the help of many guest musicians such as Billy Sheehan (bass), Vinnie Colaiuta (drums), and Terry Bozzio (drums), with the single titled "Teeth of the Hydra" which has reached nearly 7 million views on Youtube.

2. Successfully Held in Many Countries

Steve Vai Inviolate Tour 2023 previously successfully held in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, and Mexico.

Before going to Jakarta, Steve Vai will hold a tour first
in China, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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