Kapanlagi.com - The Balkonjazz Festival 2022 was successfully held at Gasblock Balkondes PGN Karangrejo, Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, on Saturday (14/5). About 1500 spectators attended the event.
Megantoro, Coldiac, Raissa Anggiani, Aditya Sofyan, Dere, Juicy Luicy, Rendy Pandugo, Pamungkas, and Kahitna took turns entertaining the audience dominated by spectators from Yogyakarta, Magelang, and Wonosobo.
Interestingly, the Balkonjazz Festival 2022, initiated by Sinergi Live and PT Pertamina Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk, and supported by several other important sponsors, involved local residents to help boost the local economy. The presence of Ojek Warga or OW was one way to involve the local community.
"The special thing about Balkonjazz Festival 2022 is the involvement of residents around the event venue. For example, we initiated OW or Ojek Warga from the beginning to become the official transportation for spectators from their vehicle parking area to the event venue. The value is more than 60 million rupiahs, even more, and all the profits go to the local community," said Bakkar Wibowo, founder of Balkonjazz Festival after the event.
1. Refinement
According to Bakkar, this year's event is a refinement of the 2019 edition. Everything has been thought through more thoroughly and in detail.
"We learned a lot from organizing the Balkonjazz Festival 2019. That's why the preparation for the Balkonjazz Festival 2022 is much longer, two years longer because of the pandemic. So, it's much more organized and tidy," Bakkar continued.
2. Promotional Media

Kapanlagi/Mathias Purwanto
In line with the mission and vision since the introduction of Balkonjazz in 2019 as a promotional media to introduce the Borobudur area and thus help the local economy, Bakkar will conduct research. With the help of two English doctoral graduates and several students from Gajah Mada University (UGM), research will be conducted on the extent to which Balkonjazz can help improve the local economy.
"We will calculate whether Balkonjazz even has an economic impact. The research will be conducted by two English doctoral graduates who will use a specific methodology, which will be announced soon. They have conducted surveys and direct research on the audience, vendors, and residents around the Balkonjazz Festival 2022 location," said Bakkar.
3. Preparing for an International Event
Seeing the potential of the Borobudur area with the presence of Balkondes (Village Economic Hall), Bakkar is preparing for an international event. Unfortunately, Bakkar is not willing to talk much about this yet.
"We are thinking of creating an even bigger festival. It will involve international artists. But we are still keeping this a secret," Bakkar concluded.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.