Diving into the Lyrics of Maher Zain's Song - Good Day and Its Translation in English
For those of you who want to know, here are the lyrics of the song Good Day by Maher Zain along with its translation in English. Let's check it out, KLovers!
Kapanlagi.com - Maher Zain is one of the musicians who often conveys messages of peace and hope through his songs. One of his works, Freedom, depicts the struggle for freedom, unity, and resilience. This song has become a symbol of resistance against injustice and a prayer for the oppressed.
With meaningful lyrics and a touching melody, Freedom voices hope for many people around the world. In this article, Kapanlagi will review the meaning of freedom in the song and provide the complete lyrics along with their translation for better understanding by the listeners.
Let’s take a complete look at the lyrics of Freedom by Maher Zain along with its meaning in Indonesian. Come on, let’s check it out, KLovers!
Gathered here with my family
Gathered here with my family
My neighbours and my friends
My neighbours and my friends
Standing firm together against oppression holding hands
Standing firm together against oppression, holding hands
It doesn't matter where you're from
It doesn't matter where you're from
Or if you're young, old, women or man
Or if you're young, old, woman, or man
We're here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
We are here for the same reason; we want to take back our land
Oh God thank you.
Oh God, thank you.
For giving us the strength to hold on
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we're here together
And now we're here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won't let us fall, ooh no
We know you won't let us fall, ooh no
We know you're here with us
We know you're here with us
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being prisoners in our homes
No more being afraid to talk
No more being afraid to talk
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Our dream is just to be free, just to be free
Now when we've taking our first step
Now when we've taken our first step
Towards a life of complete freedom
Towards a life of complete freedom
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we're almost there
We can see our dream getting closer and closer, we're almost there
Oh God thank you.
Oh God, thank you.
For giving us the strength to hold on
For giving us the strength to hold on
And now we're here together
And now we're here together
Calling you for freedom, freedom
Calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won't let us fall, ooh ooh
We know you won't let us fall, ooh ooh
I can feel the pride in the air
I can feel the pride in the air
And it makes me strong to see everyone
And it makes me strong to see everyone
Standing together holding hands in unity
Standing together holding hands in unity
Shouting out loud demanding their right for freedom
Shouting out loud demanding their right for freedom
...This is it and we're not backing off
...This is it and we're not backing off
Oh God we know you hear our call
Oh God, we know you hear our call
And we're calling you for freedom, freedom
And we're calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won't let us fall, ooh no
We know you won't let us fall, ooh no
We're calling you for freedom, freedom
We're calling you for freedom, freedom
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We know you can hear our call, ooh oh
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We're calling for freedom, fighting for freedom
We know you won't let us fall, ooh no
We know you won't let us fall, ooh no
We know you're here with us
We know you're here with us
Those are the lyrics of the song Freedom by Maher Zain along with its meaning. There are many other lyric recommendations that KLovers can find out by reading articles on kapanlagi.com. Because, if not now, when?
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For those of you who want to know, here are the lyrics of the song Good Day by Maher Zain along with its translation in English. Let's check it out, KLovers!
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