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Experiencing the Lyrics of Jefri Al Buchori's Song - Ayah Bunda, A Sincere Prayer for Parents

Experiencing the Lyrics of Jefri Al Buchori's Song - Ayah Bunda, A Sincere Prayer for Parents Jefri Al Buchori's Song (credit: - The song Ayah Bunda performed by Jefri Al Buchori is not just an ordinary song, but an expression of love and sincere prayers for both parents. The lyrics, which are full of meaning, depict the struggles, affection, and sacrifices of fathers and mothers in our lives.

Through this song, we are invited to reflect on the contributions of our parents in raising and educating us. Each stanza reminds us to always pray for them, whether they are still alive or have passed away, as a form of devotion and gratitude.

Let's take a look at the lyrics of the song Ayah Bunda performed by Jefri Al Buchori, which is full of beautiful and touching meanings. Come on, let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Jefri Al Buchori - Ayah Bunda

Father and Mother...
They are extraordinary figures in our lives.
We are witnesses to their struggles,
How great their sacrifices are for us.

The streams of sweat that flow,
Father leaving home to earn a living.
Morning, noon, night, sometimes not coming home,
All of this is done only for us.

Then what about mother?
Ignoring the pain that torments her,
Especially when carrying us.
Nine months we were in her womb,
Going through tense moments when we were born.

That was the hardest moment for our mother,
What was on her mind was only one:
How we could be born safely,
Gazing at this world with hopeful eyes.

So what is fitting for us?
To raise our hands,
To pray to You,
To ask for prayers for Father and Mother.

O Allah, The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful...
You surely hear our pleas,
You surely know our hopes for them.

O Allah...Save them, O Lord...
If they are still alive, we ask You,
Lengthen their lives in obedience,
Grant blessings in their worship.

Do not make their lives difficult,
Because they have worked hard to raise us.
Do not let us hurt their hearts,
Until tears flow from their eyes.

O Allah, O Our Lord...
For Father and Mother who have passed away,
We ask You...
Do not punish them, O Allah...Do not torment them.

Make their graves gardens of paradise,
Grant fragrant scents from Your paradise,
Make every good deed of theirs a companion in the grave.

We bear witness, O Allah,
That they are extraordinary people in our lives.
But if one day You save us,
We only want one thing...
To reunite us with our parents.

Longing, O Lord...
This heart longs...
To see their faces, to hear their voices.
Longing for their warm embrace, O Allah...

O Lord, O Our Lord...
Paradise will not be beautiful without them.
Paradise will not be perfect without Father and Mother.
They are the ones who made us like this,
They are the ones who made us beneficial in this life.

Therefore, O Our Lord...
Do not let us be separated,
Do not let us no longer see their faces.

O Our Lord...
Save them...
Save them...

That is the lyric of the song Ayah Bunda performed by Jefri Al Buchori that KLovers can know and understand. There are still many religious song lyrics that KLovers can learn by reading articles on Because, if not now, when?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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