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Lyrics of Harris J - Phases that Inspire Complete with Its Translation

Lyrics of Harris J - Phases that Inspire Complete with Its Translation Song by Harris J - Phases (credit: YouTube Official Harris J) - The lyrics of the song Phases by Harris J have successfully captured attention with its profound message about the journey of life and emotional struggles. Through its lyrics, this song inspires listeners to embrace the phases of life while continually striving to love and improve themselves.

Wrapped in a calming melody, the lyrics of Phases depict personal struggles that are relatable to many people. This song not only touches the heart but also provides motivation to face life's challenges more wisely.

Let's check out the lyrics of the song Phases by Harris J, complete with its translation for a deeper understanding, KLovers. Come on, let's check it out, KLovers!

1. Lyrics of Harris J - Phases

Living in my bed cos I'm insecure
Living in my bed because I feel insecure

I hate to be that guy I've been him before
I hate being that kind of person, I've been through it before

Stay at home count the days and I waste them
Staying at home, counting the days, and I'm wasting them

Cos right now I just don't have the patience
Because right now I really don't have the patience

To go running after something more
To chase after something more

But everybody says I'll be somebody
But everyone says I will be someone

I just gotta love me like they do
I just have to love myself like they do

Even at the worst I've felt
Even at the worst I've ever felt

I try to tell myself
I try to tell myself

I'm going through phases
I'm going through phases

Oh I'm going through phases of my
Oh, I'm going through phases of my life

Oooo Phases of my life
Oooo, phases of my life

Oooo Phases of my life
Oooo, phases of my life

Oooo I'm going through phases
Oooo, I'm going through phases

Oh I'm going through phases
Oh, I'm going through phases

Living in my head not a day goes by
Living in my head, not a day goes by

I don't think about the life that I left behind
Without thinking about the life I left behind

Sometimes I think I've got amnesia
Sometimes I think I've got amnesia

When it comes to who I was
When it comes to who I was

Feels like I'm in a different life
Feels like I'm in a different life

But everybody says I'll be somebody
But everyone says I will be someone

I just gotta love me like they do
I just have to love myself like they do

Even at the worst I've felt
Even at the worst I've ever felt

I try to tell myself
I try to tell myself

I'm going through phases
I'm going through phases

Oh I'm going through phases of my
Oh, I'm going through phases of my life

Oooo Phases of my life
Oooo, phases of my life

Oooo Phases of my life
Oooo, phases of my life

Oooo I'm going through phases
Oooo, I'm going through phases

Oh I'm going through phases
Oh, I'm going through phases

Those are the lyrics to the song Phases by Harris J that KLovers can know. There are still many other song lyrics that KLovers can discover by reading articles on Because, if not now, WhenAgain?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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